This delightful heartwarming book tells the story of Sidney and Harry, two Groks who live in the land of Binnee-Boo-Bok. Harry is big and strong and the best at Grok games. Sidney is small and no good at all. But when an accident befalls Harry, the Groks soon discover being small can be a good thing! The entire story rhymes and the striking illustrations ensure children will want to read its positive message over and over again!

Monday, May 2, 2011

Troye Sivan’s FOR THEM Project

Troye is talented singer and actor who you may have seen in the movie X-MEN Origins Wolverine that hit theaters in May 2009, he played the young Hue Jackman’s character Wolverine. He also recently starred in Spud with John Cleese which is due to hit theaters this winter.

The purpose of creating this project is to raise awareness that there are over 100 million homeless children living on the streets around the world.

You can make a difference right now to help these kids who can't help themselves anymore, then share this video with your friends and family.

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