This delightful heartwarming book tells the story of Sidney and Harry, two Groks who live in the land of Binnee-Boo-Bok. Harry is big and strong and the best at Grok games. Sidney is small and no good at all. But when an accident befalls Harry, the Groks soon discover being small can be a good thing! The entire story rhymes and the striking illustrations ensure children will want to read its positive message over and over again!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Foster kids tell their stories in their own words.

Change a Child's Life: Michael

Posted by: Scott Coppersmith

Change a Child's Life: Michael:

( - This video of Michael, created by Children's Action Network, is part of a series called "This is Me" which is devoted to telling the stories of foster youth waiting for adoptive homes in their own words.

There are more than 129,000 foster children in the United States who need a place to call home. It is our hope that by raising awareness about the youth and sharing their hopes and dreams, we can help them find permanent loving families.

Children's Action Network

Children's Action Network used the power of the entertainment community to increase awareness about children's issues and to make them a top priority in everyday life. CAN is currently dedicated to finding homes for the children in the United States who are waiting for an adoptive family and improving outcomes for children in foster care.

We invite you to watch the videos and find out more about foster care adoption by calling Children's Action Network at 800-525-6789.

Visit Children's Action Network on the Web at

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